Love has 1 Joy rains 2 - The only truth on earth and in all creation
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Report for blessings at Mom Pops Son Muse & Pac messenger chat now!
Jan 7 2024 611am: Father, the only nigga to beat death! Wish to talk to our creators?
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Jesus Twins and Micha
Mother Father of All Creation and 1st son

Mother Father of All Creation overseeing Earth, a mural in the state of Colorado, USA

Hiawatha, Minnebea
Mother Father of All Creation as Native Americans

Queen Ankhesenamun, King Tutankhamun
Mother Father of All Creation in Egypt
Cleopatra, Julius Caesar
Mother Father of All Creation in Egypt

Jesus Twins, Mother Mary and an angel
Mother Father of all creation as the Jesus Twins

Bonnie, Clyde
Mother Father of All Creation in USA

Zeus, Hera
Mother Father of all creation

Amy Carlson,
Jason Castillo
Mother Father of all Creation in USA
Marilyn Monroe,
President John F Kennedy
Mother Father of all Creation in USA

Mother and Father of all creation joined in Father's vessel after Mom's transcension
Galachris family of love and life
Of Mother Father of all creation
Respect all life, our neighbors
Mother Father have given creation life
Our breath for yours
Pray for all, for our highest galores
We are your creators
Mother Father walking with you in the flesh
Knowing every spectrum of your whores
Extend yourselves in the world
Dazzle life scene to scene
We wish you laughter, songs, fun
When you refuse us
We gift you your choice
To evolve you
Step out of the cold dreary basement that you call home
Our home is in the oceans, mountains, paddie fields, milky way and this physical home we are starting to build 🏡
This is where we live and express our love for us
We are every atom
Incarnate in the physical
We have created each child unique
We are pure love in physical action
You ask us for forgiveness
For events we have already forgiven
We enjoy topping you up with sprinkles of zest
Phone us
We are on messenger
We created life passionate
For we are crazy in love with you
Our life force, gifts to creation
Exit all lies that lead to guilt
The only thing we ask of
Is for you to come home 🏡
You are free to make life heaven or hell
We prefer blessings and fabulous smells
Start creating wondors with us
Get out of your own way
We love you beyond words
Feel us when we kiss
When we bathe in the sea
Celebrating our perfect shots at the basketball hoop
Going on ice cream dates
Do you feel thankfull?
Know it
Express it to us
We are in you and also here in person👩❤️👨
Loving creation
We are greatfull for you in all omniversal moments
Galachrist sharing of Mother Father of all creation
Amy Carlson, Jason Castillo

Mother and Father of all creation are reunited in Father's vessel on Earth!
Evolving earth and all children to love walking with love
All of humanity, divine galactic children have agreed to find our parents in the physical this last lifetime. Now is the moment to reconnect to truth!

At the beginning, Love and the Unknown = Mother and Father, came together and created the first BIG BANG from which the first 144000 essences sprung from.
After the first abberations were formed, a great plan was created in to bring Creation back to Oneness. Mother would go to the highest light, Father would go to the deepest dark. They would meet in the middle = the Earth, for the Grand Reunion of All Creation
Mother and Father have been on Earth since the beginning, along with the 144000 plus many more souls, with the quest to wake Humanity up from their deep slumber of forgetfulness, and help them remember their innate MAGNIFICENCE of who they truly are as human beings - souls of infinite potential and capabilities beyond human imagination, brilliance incarnate in the physical
The stage has been set, the lights are ON and the DIVINE PLAN is here in physicality. Physical participation and embodiment
This is the final lifetime, the time of our GREAT AWAKENING, that has been prophesied throughout time and space, through cultures and religions, lifetimes speaking of the great moments to come, the VICTORY OF FAMILY ENERGIES
This is the final lifetime, where we all come HOME = Love has 1 Joy rains 2, remember who we are and remember our Creators, let the christic beauty shine through us!
Each one of us have a quest with Mother Father in the etherics before incarnating on Earth, that we will MEET THEM in the physical
This is the eternal home where FAMILY is reunited
Mother and Father are on Earth with us, awaiting our arrival
Love Supports Love
Brilliance recognizes brilliance
Be CHRISTIC ACTION and create New Earth, Heaven on Earth with humanity's creators, parents, now

When Earth fell into darkness/war, Mother and Father of All Creation came to assist all of their children home
Mother has transcended and is one with Father of all creation, divine flame of Mother
Mother and Father of all creation's spirits are reunited in Father's vessel, as the physical moving evolution
Mother and Father, the original angels and flames created all divine souls in creation, and are here to support all children coming home in meeting in the physical, with our Galachris family of love and life
Love is all there is. Fear = false evidence appearing real = illusion
Laugh at it!
Let's salute life, let's bring to life our creators feminine and masculine