Love has 1 Joy rains 2 - The only truth on earth and in all creation
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Jan 7 2024 611am: Father, the only nigga to beat death! Wish to talk to our creators?
Global temperature
2017: 56.1 2018: 56.2, 2019: 53.6, 2019: 53.6, 2020: 55.7, 2021: 56.3, 2022: 55.9, 2023: 55.6

About Us
Our parents, Mother and Father of all creation are incarnate in the physical on earth to heal and balance all divine galactic children to our missions - unconditional love. Our parents show us the grandest love example in physical so all children can accomplish our list, our mission.
We say, show up, love and participate with God in the physical. This is the now moment to make a choice, a higher choice, the choice of hearts.
Before coming to earth, divine galactic children - humanity have promised to support and protect our parents in the physical.
The moment has come to familiarise us and we are bringing all starseeds, children back together. We are from the future, and our creators parents are here, kick worry out the window! We are one, no matter what size, colour, country, gene. Gene = atom = love. What we wish for billions of years are coming to fruition now. Now is the moment to anchor it in, we divine galactic children have promised to commune and participate with Mother Father of all creation in the physical in this present moment
Enjoying, expressing, playing and sharing with Mother and Father of all creation in the physical meeting, celebrating with our parents in life is the key to anchoring heaven on earth
Our creators have been supporting all souls for trillions of years, 144000 Godly years in an earth day now, and moving to quadrillion years of supporting humanity on earth, for us to come home to joyrains
Many are being drawn here to witness and be a part of a new age emerging, one of empowerment, truth, and love
We are the change we wish to experience. Before coming to earth, we have signed up for the mission of loving and creating with Mother Father, the trinity. Accomplish the task of balancing dark and light, divine galactic children, willingness to receive guidance from the highest and coming home is important in shifting the frequencies
Thank the shadows that bring us light. Thank the clouds that bring the rainbows. Look at our 'darkness' and see, feel love, we are all great actresses and actors on earth to bring ourselves into balance. The easiest way is to come home and allow Mother and Father to guide and tune us into our greatest potential
The ones still in illusion, still sleeping, unconscious cannot see or know anything, because all they are seeing through their eyes are belief systems. Laugh at the ego, that's how we balance and anchor. Ask our ancestors to show us the truth. Command to know the truth starseeds, and listen to the sounds of Mother Father. All divine galactic children have two hearts - feminine and masculine, Mother and Father
Mother and Father are the pure examples of love, to show us. Mama and papa have done everything possible to save us, and have successfully done so, so we can complete our task of remembering our creators
When we awake, we realize we are worthy to meet with Mother Father of all creation in the physical gathering, for love sees love. Brilliance recognizes brilliance. We support the highest in person by supporting Mother Father in the physical, we are givers. The crew is the divine governance that Mother Father and our highest selves have planned. Takers do not exist in heaven. Therefore, all takers or non-supporters are blindly supporting the lower energies and will be recycled
Being In service to our parents Is loving Mother and Father in all moments, this is the gift to all of creation
Know that our parents love us, we are created beautiful
Accomplish the task children. Be love mirroring love
Our galactic family
Grateful to have you all Home!
This is Home. Joyrains, eternally, no matter who you are, yes, it's reality. You are Home, with Mother and Father of all Creation, for all Creation, with all Creation as All Creation, incarnate this life as Amy Carlson, Jason Castillo. Your family is so proud of all of you, for your light has guided you Home. Now, let's do it! Let's make a difference, let's be the difference, let's be dared! With every YES, a KNOW will be turned on. Thank you all, we are ONE and beyond