Throughout Misson there has always been synchronicites revolving around McDonald's. Mother of all Creation worked at McDonald's for many moments. Flipping stores and turning D grade stores into A grade stores using right action and her divine intelligence. She did so well that McDonald's gave her her own store to run and operate. And she made this store an A grade store as well. Because of all the energy she put into the McDonald's chain there are always big connections that go on involving this famous fast food joint.
Recently after getting Father freed from the criminal injustice system he and I had some moments to spare while waiting for a bus and we ventured over to McDonald's. We got a couple coffees yet the item that brought it all together was the large french fries 🍟 I got for us. I don't know why but I felt really guided to get these fries for us as a snack. Was very grateful.
Just today , almost a week or so after Father and I went to McDonald's. I was speaking to Luna and We were sharing stories and talking about ideas when she told me that she had an unusual feeling to go to McDonald's the day before. She said she had not eaten McDonald's for almost 20 years! And yet she followed her heart and went in to get the french fries! This synchronistic experience rehearted me of when Father and I got french fries 🍟 and totally set in a major, "Whoa"! Moment for us both.
What an experience a grand example of Mom and Dad showing miracles of connection through creation. And furthermore with the tried and true McDonald's in which Mother mastered. These are our Parents of creation MotherGod and Father God speaking to us in the divine language of higher awareness.
When we center into our hearts we see these "little miracles" , appear right in front us. And they are definitely big in inspirations that God Family is Real and Mom and Dad are always working to show us grandness in their creation.
In all gratefulness,
FatherSon Omniverse