Check out the book 'return of the bird 🐦 tribe'
Feathers are angels confirm for us on our path, a strong connection to the spiritual realm
A book review by soft rain:
I bought this book yrs ago and read it and loved it then. I recently purchased it for my Nook and re-read it and got so much more out of it. (probably could read it a third time and get even more out of it). Hiawatha's story is at the core of the book and what he was able to accomplish. It is not a charming tale/legend of an American "Indian" canoeing down the river and living a good, honest life. But involves the Tree of Peace and the Five Nation League, comprised of the Iroquois, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida and Onondagas, and Hiawatha's role in The Great Law of Peace. Hiawatha was able to successfully create a peaceful society, and this book shows how this accomplishment affected the creation of our own nation, and how it reverberates throughout time. Do not expect a simple historical story. There a huge concepts that will give pause and reflection. I highly recommend this book.
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