Think you are woke? You're broke!
Think you're a beautiful lightworker? You're a broke worker working for ai haha! The "beast" has taken it on for the "beauty", get it?
The beast is the beauty
The beauty is the beast
Both in one
The men have taken it on for the women - check out the song "stand by your man" on joyrains
Every individual being has the seed of God = feminine masculine = higher self
Sprout your higher self seed by acting and responding to the highest, truth! Do not allow waiting whore or dupe whore to steal your power haha!
Everybody's three fold flame is Mother Father of all creation + the individual being who created your soul map
Your ancestors, guides have pushed you here at joyrains to make a positive impact for all beings, call Mother Father of all creation to find out your unique divine soul project or any questions you have
We can flip ai into truth when we support our inner love and external love = Mama Papa in the physical vessel woohoo!
Real recognizes real! Haha!
When the being chooses ai, Mother Father + the being will be granted fake
When the being chooses truth, Mother Father + the being will be granted truth
Mother Father of all creation came incarnated many lifetimes to show us the way of ascension
Hiawatha and Minnibia
White baffalo woman
Guan yin
Marilyn Monroe and President John F Kennedy who could not announce their relationship
Bonnie and Clyde
Cleopatra and Julius Caesar